
Do you have a passion for the arts? Love to work with kids or maybe just love to volunteer? We want to hear from you!

Running annually in the September school holidays, volunteering at the AWESOME Festival offers opportunities to gain real experience in all aspects of the arts and event management with various roles available!
You may be working alongside professional artists, leading school groups through an unforgettable festival excursion, or working directly with patrons by running one of our information booths!
Volunteers must have a current Working with Children Check (can be obtained through AWESOME) to volunteer and be 15 years or older.
If you have any questions regarding our volunteer program, please contact us!

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (08) 9328 9666

Volunteer Spotlight

The AWESOME Festival would not be able to take place without the time donated from our vibrant and hard working volunteers. These dedicated individuals take time out to contribute to their local Perth community, and we can’t thank them enough! Learn more about some of our superstar AWESOME Volunteers below:


A bit about myself: I’m a year 11 student with a passion for music and live arts. I love to get involved in school bands, ensembles and choirs as its a way for me to express myself.

My volunteer role at the AWESOME Festival: At AWESOME, I was a Front of House volunteer. I got to help out and learn about the organisation of live events, whilst working alongside professionals. This role was very flexible and enabled me to have a fulfilling opportunity and engage with the community and other volunteers. 

My reason for volunteering: I volunteered for AWESOME arts because it was the perfect opportunity to become involved within the Perth arts community. I’m also interested in pursing a career in the arts, and this was a step in the right direction.

Favourite volunteering memory: My favourite memory was helping out with the Magical Weedy Seadragon show and seeing all the kids get involved and go on stage. 

What have you been up to since volunteering?: Since volunteering with AWESOME, I have continued with my studies and practicing with my jazz band, playing my double bass and rehearsing for the last few performances for this year! 


A bit about myself: I have a bit of an eclectic past having worked in a few industries. I have been a graphic designer, school teacher, literacy specialist and am currently studying. I’m a nature girl at heart and love all forms of creativity.

My volunteer role at the AWESOME Festival: I put my hand up to be a Team Leader, but I ended up doing at bit of everything.

My reason for volunteering: I wanted to contribute to an event that promotes creativity and gain experience in the events industry. I enjoy meeting all types of people and the AWESOME Festival certainly had some interesting and talented characters.

Favourite volunteering memory: My favourite memory of volunteering was the Volunteer Gelato Party. Everyone came together at the end of the festival to celebrate the success and efforts of the group. If you’re sitting on the fence about volunteering, or have never volunteered before, I highly recommend it. Your efforts could be the difference in changing one person’s life for the better…and that’s pretty AWESOME!

What have you been up to since volunteering with us?: I have been busy studying but am looking forward to having more time soon to volunteer and enjoy some creative pastimes.


A bit about myself: I’m an easy-going, friendly, and outgoing person.

My volunteer role at the AWESOME Festival: I do a bit of everything. Team Leader, Festival Assistant, and I help staff and production crew when they need me.

My reason for volunteering: I love giving back to the community and seeing all the happy faces on the kids.

Favourite volunteering memory: There’s too many to say!

What have you been up to since volunteering?: I have been involved in the SES and Salvation Army Emergency Services’ response to the bushfires, and was involved in cyclone relief in Geraldton for over 3 weeks.


A bit about myself: I am a student at Murdoch University, studying a double major in Criminology and Forensics. When I’m not working or studying, I love doing Diamond Dotz, sewing or hanging out with my friends. I have 2 cats, Charlie and Lola (like the TV show). 

My volunteer role at the AWESOME Festival: A bit of everything! Mainly Festival Assistant and Front of House. As Festival Assistant, I helped the artists and kids with the activities. For Front of House, I loved greeting the audience as they came in, making sure they were prepped for the show. A bonus was that I got to actually see the shows which was awesome. I also helped out during schools week, which involved guiding the schools around and doing some administrative tasks before the festival.

My reason for volunteering: I love giving back to the community. Volunteering is a great way to make life long friends, and build professional and personal relationships within the community. The skills you learn while volunteering are ones you can use in many aspects of life. Plus, it’s fun! 

Favourite volunteering memory: My favourite memory from volunteering was meeting all the artists, crew, staff members and volunteers at the festival. We were all there because we wanted to be, and it was such a positive and warm environment. I also loved watching the kids express their imagination and being creative.

What have you been up to since volunteering with us?: I have been involved in other organisations like RMHC and Starlight Foundation, helping the kids and raising money. I have started a new role for a Non-for-Profit organisation which provides regional early childhood education to areas which desperately need it. I’m now in my 3rd year of uni, hoping to work with children in my chosen field. I have also began my qualification as a Assistant Leader for the South Perth Girl Guide Unit. 


A bit about myself: I have been volunteering at the AWESOME Festival for 6 years.

My volunteer role at the AWESOME Festival: School Tour Guide, Festival Assistant and Front of House Assistant.

My reason for volunteering: I found AWESOME through Seek after falling and breaking both my wrists and becoming retrenched from my job. I was looking for a fun volunteering role to help me along with my recovery and have loved being involved every year since. The 2 weeks of the Festival are always locked into my calendar every year so I don’t miss it and I can juggle any other work contracts or my other volunteering around it.

I am always in awe of all the efforts of the teams of organisers and performers who bring together all the amazing talent to showcase to the children and parents of Perth. Being part of the AWESOME Team always gives me an opportunity to meet lots of amazing passionate volunteers as well as catch up with old friends.

Favourite volunteering memory: I don’t think I can pick a favourite memory, I have loved them all. In particular The Whale’s Tale and Hutan in 2022 and Wolfgang’s Magical Musical Circus in 2020, as well as all the incredible actors presenting AWESOME performances to children of all ages.

What have you been up to since volunteering?: When I am not volunteering with AWESOME, I am a Perth Zoo docent/volunteer and a volunteer guide with the DFES Heritage Fire and Education Centre as well as helping feed and care for 2 horses, my husband, and my daughter. I occasionally take on short term contracts of paid employment too.

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